Monday, September 17, 2007
thanks for creating this blog. Just a reminder to folks that we are still putting out the newsletter though not as frequently. Email me if you would like an electronic copy when it comes out.
kamau mposi
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My First Post
Monday, August 27, 2007
Supporter sends Bulletin on Nanon to all Her Myspace Friends
campaign supporter Semira A., who received my invite to add Nanon's Myspace page to her own immediately sent a bulletin to all of her MySpace contacts about Nanon and his case.
here is the text of her Bulletin:
27 Aug 2007 15:54 | |
Subject: | Nanon Williams is not a Criminal |
Body: | In support of a young brother, Nanon Williams, who has been wrongly imprisioned since the age of 17, I am sending around this link to his myspace page so that you can have a chance to hear and see more about his story. Visit him at If the very least you can keep this brotha in your prayers, please do. To all our wrongfully and politically imprisioned brothas and sistas...FREE THEM ALL! Peace... S. |
This is one way to spread the word about Nanon's case via MySpace. Send bulletins ! The only thing is we really do need new action items. What exactly do we want people to do once they hear about Nanon and want to get involved in his campaign to bring about his immediate release?
Updates on Nanon and His Case
Some important updates include:
the last report of the independent investigation of the HPD Crime Lab. See pages 219 - 233 to read about what they say about Nanon's case.
A briefing filed in the 5th circuit court last month.
It is my hope that you -- esp. attorneys, family members, and campaign organizers -- will sign up and post updates. This is a way for all of us to notify one another all at the same time as to what exactly is going on. Although Nanon does not have internet access, we can print pages and mail them to him and he can send us updates and messages to post to the page.
Communications tools are only as effective as the people who use them, so please let's stay connected so we can bring dear Nanon home at last.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Happy Birthday, Nanon!!
It is not too late to send birthday cards, gifts, letters, and prayers his way.
Mail to:
Nanon Williams # 1306434
Coffield Unit
Route 1 Box 150
Tennessee Colony, TX 75884
Give the gift of your
time...time spent working for Nanon's freedom,
prayer...calling on God for a breakthrough and Nanon's immediate release, and
faith...strong belief in God that Nanon will be set free!
Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.
but don't forget the Bible also says that Faith without works is dead.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Letter from Nanon -- June 20, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
HPD Crime Lab Investigation Reveals Serious Errors
Below Article Published in Houston's IndyMedia (by Anita)
HPD Crime lab investigation on charges against Nannon Williams reveals serious errors
by nawisa Friday, Jun. 15, 2007 at 12:12 PM
Nanon Williams was sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit when he was a juvenile. After the US-Supreme Courts decision to abolish the death penalty for juvenile offenders in march 05, Nanons sentence had to be reversed to "life in prison", which in Texas means prison until death. After 40 years in prison, Nanon will be eligible for parole, which is hardly never being granted in Texas. Nanon is 31 years old. For 14 years he has been living in a tiny cell under inhuman conditions. He deserves a future.
Dear Supporters,
For those of you who do not know, the Houston Crime Lab investigator released his final report on June 13, 2007. Michael Bromwich and his investigative team confirmed what we already knew in the case of Nanon Williams and that is that the Harris County Criminal Justice System convicted Nanon Williams primarily on faulty ballistic evidence. Not only did the ballistic examiners at the HPD lab fail to test the only weapon used in the crime, they did not even use a microscope to examine the bullet fragments. Blatant mistakes and careless oversights were made from the beginning to the end in the Nanon Williams case. HPD examiner Robert Baldwin and Donald Davis knew that protocol had not been followed yet they steadfastly assured the trial court, that their findings were truthful and correct. They had three years to correct it and get it right prior to trial but never did.
I thought everyone in America had the right to a fair trial and the right to be tried by a jury of their peers who are suppose to make rational decisions based on the accuracy of evidence presented. This is extremely important when that decision hinges on life or death. When a jury is presented with evidence that is incorrect and that has not been tested, then in essence the jury is basing its decision to convict or not convict on untruths. This is plain and simple injustice. One would think that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals would be the buffer to catch such blatant errors. Wrong? In the case of Nanon Williams, they only served to rubber stamp the trial court’s decision. A Federal judge sided with the CCA and added another rubber stamp to a decision based on untruths. It’s like a domino effect. Nanon Williams’s case is before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. We can only hope and pray that this Court will do what is right and rule to give Nanon a new trial so that the real truth and nothing but the truth can finally come out.
It is a sad, sad moment in our history to know that many innocent people fell victim to the HPD’s Crime Lab’s sloppy work. Fourteen people have already been executed whose cases had inconsistencies tied with the HPD Crime Lab. It is highly likely that these were indeed innocent people. Dead people can’t be brought back. Poor people like Nanon Williams who was a 17-year old facing a death sentence were never given a fair shake from the onset. They are left lingering and wasting away in Texas prisons from sloppy HPD Crime Lab work with some facing a death sentence. This should be unacceptable in any civilized society. America is supposed to lead and set standards. Atrocities such as this makes one wonder how just how far we have actually come.
In Struggle,
Anita Babineaux
Nanon Williams #1306434
Coffield Unit
Rt. 1 Box 150
Tennesee Colony, Texas 75884
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
HPD Crime Lab Final Report Released Today!!!!
Scroll to page 266 in your PDF viewer to begin reading the report's coverage of Nanon's case.
Excerpts from the Report on Nanon's case:
The Williams case was selected for more detailed review by our investigative
team because three HPD firearms examiners misidentified potentially significant fired bullet evidence. One of the HPD examiners provided incorrect testimony at trial based
on the misidentification. Critics have also asserted that HPD investigators contributed
to the misidentification because they failed to submit a weapon associated with the
crime to the Firearms Section for examination and test-firing before Mr. Williams’s trial.
To assess the conduct of the Crime Lab in connection with the Williams case we
reviewed information gathered during the HPD investigation, evidence presented at the
trial, and evidence developed during post-conviction proceedings. Our forensic experts
conducted an independent examination of the fired bullet evidence that was examined
by the Crime Lab for the Williams case. We also evaluated the significance of the Crime
Lab’s conclusions and testimony relating to the misidentified evidence.
We believe that EB-1 was misidentified as a .25 caliber bullet because distortions
caused the bullet fragment to exhibit apparent similarities in class characteristics to
those of a .25 caliber bullet. That error was exacerbated by the subsequent submission
of EB-2, which, as we demonstrate above, had similar class characteristics. The failure
of HPD investigators to submit the .22 Magnum derringer to the Firearms Section with
a request to compare the bullet evidence to the firearm itself also contributed to the
misidentification.302 The misidentification was perpetuated because the Crime Lab
lacked appropriate quality assurance protocols at the time and during the years that
preceded ASCLD/LAB accreditation of the Lab. This case underlines the need to
strictly adhere to the revised protocol that was adopted in the period leading up to the
ASCLD/LAB accreditation.
We recognize, however, the unfortunate situation that existed where, based on the initial
misidentification, the investigators were operating on the assumption that a .25 auto caliber
weapon was involved in the homicide, not a .22 caliber firearm.
We disagree with Mr. Singer’s assertion that the recognition of EB-1 as a .22
Magnum caliber bullet should have been possible “even for a non-expert.” We note
that, absent the submission of the .22 derringer or any other suggestion that a .22 caliber
weapon may have been associated with EB-1 or EB-2, it would be possible to assume
that EB-1, a distorted bullet fragment, was similar to EB-2, a .25 caliber bullet. This is
especially true in this case because the recovery of a live round of .25 auto ammunition
at the scene of Mr. Collier’s murder reinforced that conclusion.
We believe that Mr. Davis reached the wrong conclusion partly because he had
only EB-1 available at the time of his examination. Additionally, Mr. Davis conducted
only a visual examination of EB-1; he did not perform a careful microscopic
examination. It is not uncommon for firearms examiners to determine class
characteristics with a cursory visual examination. However, deformation can change
the apparent class characteristics of a bullet or fragment, and a firearms examiner
should therefore conduct a careful microscopic examination.
We also agree with the results of Mr. Baldwin’s 1998 examination. The fact that
the Firearms Section did not reach these correct conclusions until several years after the
discovery of the evidence was not, in our view, caused by technical incompetence on
the part of Mr. Baldwin, who consistently demonstrated his competence in other cases
we reviewed. Rather, inadequacies in the Firearms Section’s policies were to blame for
the fact that the original error went undetected for so long.
In sum, we believe that the original error committed by Mr. Davis in 1992, which
was verified by Mr. Anderson in his 1995 report and further confirmed by Mr. Baldwin, was perpetuated by the lack of adequate quality assurance practices in the Firearms Section. HPD firearms examiners were apparently allowed to co-sign reports of other examiners without personally reviewing the evidence that was the subject of the report.
That practice was contrary to generally accepted forensic science principles and
obviated the purpose of secondary signatures on each report.
While the failure to correct Mr. Davis’s error before trial was unfortunate,
Mr. Baldwin’s revised findings and many other defense arguments have been presented
in great detail to three reviewing courts. Two of the three courts have concluded that
errors committed by examiners in the Crime Lab do not justify reversal of
Mr. Williams’s conviction, and the Williams case remains subject to ongoing review in
the federal courts. Additionally, Firearms Section polices and procedures have been
revised by the Crime Lab since the events described in this review. We believe that -- if
closely followed by HPD firearms examiners -- the updated policies and procedures
minimize the risk of mistakes like those that occurred in Mr. Williams’s case.