Monday, August 27, 2007

Supporter sends Bulletin on Nanon to all Her Myspace Friends

Illustrating the capabilities and usefulness of spreading the word through Myspace....
campaign supporter Semira A., who received my invite to add Nanon's Myspace page to her own immediately sent a bulletin to all of her MySpace contacts about Nanon and his case.

here is the text of her Bulletin:

27 Aug 2007 15:54
Subject: Nanon Williams is not a Criminal
Body: In support of a young brother, Nanon Williams, who has been wrongly imprisioned since the age of 17, I am sending around this link to his myspace page so that you can have a chance to hear and see more about his story. Visit him at

If the very least you can keep this brotha in your prayers, please do.

To all our wrongfully and politically imprisioned brothas and sistas...FREE THEM ALL!


This is one way to spread the word about Nanon's case via MySpace. Send bulletins ! The only thing is we really do need new action items. What exactly do we want people to do once they hear about Nanon and want to get involved in his campaign to bring about his immediate release?

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